TIE Fighter is back! A small band of fans has created a mod, which catapults the game from 1994 into our time. More than two years of hard work have paid off: Flying for the glory of the Galactic Empire has never been so beautiful! New graphics, remastered sound and re-imagined mission. In this episode of the Bucketheads-Podcast, Kevin talks to the PROJECT LEAD JASON MILLWARD, alias ANGEL. He gives insight into the making of-process and they celebrate the mod as well as the classic TIE Fighter with lots of sound bites and music from the soundtrack.
Check out the TIE Fighter Total Conversion mod yourself and learn how to use it:
TIE Fighter Total Conversion: download and infos: https://www.moddb.com/mods/tie-fighter-total-conversion-tftc
Angel’s Youtube-channel with installation tutorials and behind-the-scenes videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/ange1uk
TIE Fighter Total Conversion on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TFTCProject
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